Tuesday, March 10, 2009


At my last doctor's appointment, which was last Thursday, my doctor told me that she was going to start me in a week. So this Thursday March 12 I go in to get started. They are actually going to have me come in and soften my cervix Thursday night and then Friday in the morning they are going to start me. So hopefully I have a baby on Friday! He will be a Friday the Thirteenth baby which is just fine with me. Ryan's favorite number is 13 so that is kind of fun!
Honestly I am really nervous for this and I am trying to calm down but it is scary to realize that I am going to have to actually go through with labor and delivery and then taking care of a little baby. But I am so excited at the same time because now we get to see the sweet little boy that has been growing inside of me for these past nine months.
If anyone has some great advice for me on how to calm my nerves I would love to hear it!


Anonymous said...

Ash!! How exciting! March 13 is a fantastic date to have a baby (my older sister's bday =D). You're going to do great! Just be sure to get the epidural early, and don't let them tell you any differently! ;-) Good luck, and let us know how it goes soon!

Andrew | Susan | Grayer said...

Ask Ryan to give you a blessing before you go into the hospital.
I had Andy give me one and it helped so much to calm my nerves and it gave me the strength to know that my body could handle labor. Good Luck. I am so excited for you, don't forget to post!
Love you tons

Cole Webley said...

Don't worry! The doctors know what they are doing and they only hire nice nurses for a reason! It goes so fast and you'll do great. It's natural but it's also a scary thing so there isn't anything that will take away all the nerves. It's worth it and he'll be beautiful! I can't wait to meet him! Good luck! Love ya!!!! Jen

Bekah and Lance said...

Um advice....eat whatever you want. And make sure to eat before you go in because they won't let you eat once you're at the hospital! :) Hope everything goes well and that he cooperates and comes out pretty quick! I work this weekend so I will be thinking of you!

Nick and Stacey said...

YEAH! I was going to call you tomorrow to see how everything was going! I am so excited for you! The only advice I can give you is just enjoy it, you only have your first baby once. Just enjoy every minute, they get big too fast,and everything goes way to fast. I am so excited for you! You'll do awesome!

Dan & Staci said...

The best of luck to you. What a fun time in your life. Make sure and post baby pictures.

jennywren said...

How exciting! I'm sure everything will go wonderfully--and then you can show off your new baby boy. I am always nervous before having a baby too, but blessings are wonderful things and so is chocolate. :) Oh! One piece of advice that goes along with your friend Bekah's about eating before going to the hospital--bring something to eat afterwards as well because if the kitchen is closed, you will be STARVING. None of thise juice crap, bring on the steak! :) Well...maybe that was just me. Good luck!
~Jen (Ryan's cousin)

Lynette said...

Hey GIRL!!! I have been trying to find you on facebook because I wanted to say HI!! How the heck are ya?!

Congrats on having a little one soon! I am so stoked for you!

mindy said...

Okay okay... where are the pictures of your new baby???????????? I've been in suspense for weeks now!!! I hope everything went well!


Ashley Gwen!! How are you! I'm hoping that you have had the baby since this last post, so if you could offer me some advice on how to calm my nerves, that would be great. I'm due in August. How are you!?!