Monday, March 2, 2009


Here are just a few pictures from the Baby Shower that my Mom and sisters threw for me on Saturday. I didn't get very many pictures because Ryan was there at the beginning of it with the camera and then he left with my brother-in-law and he took the camera with him. Silly Ryan! So I will have to get more pictures from my dad because he stayed the whole time and got more pictures for us. So sorry these are a little bit of random shots of the baby shower. But as you can see we had great food there! It was a great baby shower I got a lot of cute things from all of my wonderful family. My sweet mother-in-law made the cutest blanket for him. I love it! I will have to take a picture of it and post it! I got some cute little onesies that are so small. I can't wait to see his little body in them! My great mom gave me the cutest outfit to bring him home in from the hospital. I just love baby clothes!
The bottom pictures are of me at, I think, 35 weeks pregnant! That is the jogging stroller that we got and I love it. And that other one is of the bedding that Ryan picked out for his crib. He did a great job too!
We are still doing great, just can't wait to see this little guy! I have a doctor's appointment this Thursday and I think that I will find out when this little baby is coming! Hopefully next week sometime!!!!
By the way my little brother is coming home from his MISSION TODAY!! I will get some pictures of us at the airport! I am so excited March is a great month!!!


Ashlee and Shane said...

yay! i am so excited for you! Brother coming home and baby coming very soon!!! Good luck with everything! Have Ryan call when you go into labor!!! luv ya!!

Nick and Stacey said...

Holy Cow! You are getting so close....what a cute shirt you are wearing! haha! You will have to give us a call. And I cannot believe your brother gets home today....that is crazy....have fun with that! Also i am glad to see the regular posts!

Cole Webley said...

I'm so sorry I didn't make it to the baby shower! I had two other ones that day down in Provo and I just couldn't make it. I need your address though because I do have a present! I want you to get it soon so call me! You look so cute pregnant and I can't wait to see pictures and meet your little guy! Congrats also on Josh being home! That's a fun experience! Love you! Jen

Andrew | Susan | Grayer said...

Yeah for baby showers!! Looks like you had a great time, where did you have it at? Tell Ryan he did a great job picking out the crib bedding it is so cute! Isn't life so fun right now?
Lots of Love,