Monday, September 28, 2009

Sleep Problems!!! HELP!

Ok so Ethan has been a really good sleeper, sleeping between 10 to 12 hours at night. But since Friday night he has been horrible with sleep and we just don't know what to do!!! I feel like we maybe have gotten 14 hours of sleep this whole weekend! i don't know if he is teething or sick, or what it is. He has been drooling a lot but he has been doing that for months. Will somebody please help me I feel like I am at a lose at what to do for the little guy to get him back on schedule with sleeping. I want my sleep too so that I can feel like I can function. Plus Ryan is leaving town again tomorrow and I don't want to deal with this on my own. Please somebody give me some advice on what to do for the little man! (and for me)


Bekah and Lance said...

rough! I'm not sure what to tell you not having been there yet. My little guy is still waking up every 3-4 hours through the night.

Laura H. said...

Any fever? Will he go back to sleep if you feed him? If feeding him doesn't do the trick then I would guess something more than just wanting you is bugging him. I don't think there's anything wrong with giving him a little Tylenol to see if that calms him down. If it does, you can bet he's hurting. Then there's the fun of figuring out why. Teeth? Earache? I know this sounds harsh, but if he clean and fed you could try just letting him cry for a while. If he's just being a cranky sleeper hopefully he'll cry himself back to sleep. And there's nothing wrong with taking him into the doctor or at least talking to one of their nurses over the phone. Sorry, this was way long. I know it can be such a stress to know what to do, but you'll figure it out and he'll be ok. Good luck!

mindy said...

I love 2 websites: BabyCenter & WhatToExpect. Here are a few links you might find useful (Laura has really good advice too!)

Does he like to chew on teething toys that are cold? Does he act differently during the day (more clingy, more sad)? Teething, fever/sick, allergies... it could be a number of things.

Good luck and let us know what helps!

Ashlee and Shane said...

I bet his teeth are coming in. The first tooth is in by 7 months majority of the time, but they could get it as early as 4 months! I agree with what JLJC said. Give him medicine in case it is his teeth, which i think it is. Make sure he has a full tummy, clean diaper, and do what the above said....let him cry a little bit, especially if you need the break. I promise he will be fine...example: Jaydon crying for 2 hours while you were here. :) haha. BUT i don't think i would let him cry that long if you can help it. :) And of course, make sure it isn't an earache b/c that could be a possibility. Also, teething can make pain radiate to his ears so he might feel like he has an earache, but its just his teeth. Medicine is what i say. Ask your doc to make sure you give him the best stuff for it. Some teething med's do not work. So, ask for which one is the best. symptoms of teething: cold-like symtoms, not sleeping well, diahhrea, cheek rubbing or ear pulling, biting and nawing, chin rash, coughing, drooling, irritability. any of these could be a sign of it. Things that might help him are a teething ring, anything cold food, such as applesauce. With some babies you will never know they are teething, while others will take it hard. It could be a quick process or it could be a drawn out one. Anyway, hope this helps!!!! And i really hope you get some sleep! AND if you are gonna go crazy from the crying, just put him in his room and let him cry for a little while so that you can have time to calm yourself down by breathing and maybe stepping outside for some air so that you can regain composure....i say this b/c that is what I do!!! :) Sorry, this is long!!! :)

Emily Jones said...

Ok, so I think I may have the answer for you. Well, not really me, more like a book I just read. I just finished reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Have you read it? If not, I recomment it. Carly isn't old enough yet to try it all so I can't speak from personal experience. But in the book, there are tons of moms whose babies go through exactly what you are describing. "My child used to sleep through the night but he won't anymore and I don't know what to do." So you can read the book if you want or I'll summarize what it says. I think Ethan is over tired. When a baby does not get a lot of sleep, their body sends a hormone to their brains to fight the fatigue and it becomes an uphill battle. What the book suggests you do is this. Put Ethan to bed earlier. Like around 6:00 or 6:30. Let him cry it out until he falls asleep. And don't pick him up until the morning time. He should sleep through the night but even if he wakes up one or two times, just ignore him. It sounds hard, but crying won't hurt him and what he really needs is sleep. And make sure that he gets at least two good naps during the day. I know it doesn't seem to make any sense but the more sleep he gets, the more he will sleep. Lot's of moms swear that when they put their babies to bed at an earlier time and made sure they got two good naps in, their sleep problems were solved within a week. Sorry for the novel answer. Good luck!