Friday, January 9, 2009


Okay so we have to speak in church on Sunday and I am starting to get really nervous! I've known about this since before Christmas but now that it is only two days away I am scared to death! Can anyone give me advice on how to calm myself down so that I don't sound nervous over the pulpit?! I just can't wait until it is over!


Anonymous said...

Imagine everyone in their underwear...

I'm just kidding ;) I never understood why that would make anyone less nervous. Pretend the room is empty? That probably works better =D Good luck!!

Nick and Stacey said...

I am so sorry for you guys! Speaking in Church is no good! I am so glad you guys stopped by the other night! Also all of our talk about not having a calling...someone around here must have heard, because I have to go in tomorrow morning...wish me luck!