Saturday, November 29, 2008


We are doing great here at my parents house and definitely enjoying Thanksgiving!  I just can't believe how fast the holidays fly by!  I wish that they would last longer!
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was wonderful we love you all! 

1 comment:

jennywren said...

I don't think I got to do more than say a passing HI today at Grandpa Filmore's funeral, so I wanted to tell you CONGRATULATIONS on your baby-to-be! I got your blog address from Mandy's and so I'll pry be stalking your blog now too. :) Hope that's ok. You can come check ours out too if you want--I love looking at blogs and seeing what all the friends & family are up to. Looks like you guys are doing great with your new baby coming and a new house. Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas! ~~Jennifer (Ryan's know, Cliff's daughter. I shouldn't need to say more. :))