Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Okay so I really am horrible at posting on this thing! We are still here but I just don't get around to posting anything.
Well a lot has happened since that bread post. We actually have been able to be successful in making bread. We made a great batch last week! And we were really excited!
Just yesterday I went rock climbing with my friend from work and her husband. They are like professional rock climbers and I was pretty nervous because I have only done it maybe once and I have repelled! But repeling and rock climbing are completely different. I forgot to bring my camera to take pictures! It was really fun! I climbed in the same place twice! We are going to go again really soon! We went up Logan Canyon to one of the rock walls there! After we were done they said for your first time sometimes it is easier to go to a rock climbing gym because you know were to grab things and put your feet but on these rock walls out here you have to really think where to put your feet! So I guess I could say that I am professional now too! JK! We will take the camera next time and hopefully get some good shots!! I think that I could really get addicted to rock climbing! I just have to learn to be brave! Hopefully I won't go so long to post my next thing! And I will try to put pictures on it!


Heather said...

I am jealous! I always wanted to go true rock climbing, but I've only done walls?

Nick and Stacey said...

How fun is that! I have tried rock climbing once, btu my forearms are way too weak to lift my body up! Yep i guess you could say I am a wimp!

Sar Bear said...

Susan Ashley!?! Where have you been all my life!? Gosh and still so freakin hot! How are you these days? I miss your freakin face!

Bekah and Lance said...

How fun to go rock climbing! Glad you had time to put another post up so I know that you're still alive! :) You'll have to teach me how to make bread now that you've become a pro at it!

B said...

Ashley Gwynn! So random! I found your blog on Susan's blog. Wow, it has really been a long time. Maybe we should keep in touch. I miss you!

mindy said...

Ashley! You gotta update, man! I've been rock climbing (for real) once and rappelling a few times- it really is fun! I'm excited for June - you better still be going!

Kristine said...

Hello there Ashley! This is Kristine- I have been meaning to leave you a comment for awhile! I loved your breadmaking story- I have yet to make a batch since I've been married. I love that you and your husband run together! It's so fun to read up on what you are doing!

Nick said...

Ash and Ryan,
This Nick. I figure I could say whatever I want on this cause you never post so I assume you never read comments either. So...You are the worst bloggers ever. That was pretty weak but I will wait to see if you actually read it or not.